Examples of use

This chapter gives some examples and scenarios of use on Nobø Energy Control.

Day to day uses

Carrie has just bought Nobø HUB with a few heaters and a couple of power outlet controls. She plans to divide her apartment into four zones. A zone for her bedroom heater, a zone for her kitchen and living room heaters, a zone for the underfloor heating in the bathroom, and a zone for the outdoor lights and a lamp in the kitchen window. The latter is convenient for making the house seem inhabited when she is away on holiday.

She adds the receivers using “automatic search”  on her phone APP, one zone at a time to avoid confusion. She names each zone and receiver with easily recognisable names. This makes it simple for both herself and her best friend who often borrows the apartment in the summer.

Finally she enters zone settings for each zone, and makes a weekly program for each one. For the bedroom, she makes a program that turns on the heat before she gets up on weekdays. On the heater she sets the ECO-setting to 14 degrees and the COMFORT setting to 19 degrees. On weekends, she enjoys reading in bed for a while in the morning. She then adapts the weekly program to keep the heat on for a bit longer on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

To save energy, she lets the program turn the bathroom and kitchen/living room heat to ECO when she is at work on weekdays.

If she goes away for the weekend, she conveniently presses the AWAY button on the switch panel by the entrance door. All heat zones then switch to AWAY status. In the light zone, she has selected “disable overrides” in zone settings. This ensures the lights will go on and off as usual.

All zones return to Normal after 2 days when she comes home.


Carrie is going on vacation and wants all of her heating in AWAY status when she is gone. She also wants to ensure her coffee maker, TV and other appliances are off. At the same time she wants her kitchen and outdoor lights to go on an off to make the house seem inhabited.

In the zone overview screen her lights are placed in separate zones, and Carrie has selected “Disable global overrides” in the light zones. The lights will then follow their Normal Weekly Program even if the rest of the house is set to AWAY.

Carrie takes out her phone and presses and holds AWAY in the Circle Menu for advanced override settings. She selects FROM-TO and enters the time and date for leaving and returning. This ensures her saving energy and money while away, and still her house seems inhabited.

Carrie has done a smart thing by making a zone with a radio connected to a power outlet controller. She has selected “Disable global overrides” to make sure the zone follows the Normal program, and makes it turn on for a while in the evening. This enhances the impression that someone is home.

Weekly commuting

Owen is commuting on and off during the week, and often he does not know how many days of the week he will be gone. He wants to save money by turning down the heat when he is gone, but still wants the house to seem inhabited.

Owen has made a zone with a few lamps to go on and off automatically. He has selected “Disable global overrides” to make sure the lights always follow their Normal Weekly Program. On his way out he picks up his phone and long presses AWAY in the Circle Menu. He then selects CONSTANT override. The house will then go to AWAY status, except for the lights.

System upgrade from Orion 700

Owen has NOBØ Orion 700 control system installed in his house. Now he wishes to upgrade his system to Nobø HUB to be able to control his house from his phone. He has sought advice from an installer and learned that his old Orion 700 receivers are compatible with Nobø HUB. This means he can keep his old receivers.

Owen downloads NOBØ Energy Control APP to his phone and connects Nobø HUB to power and his wireless router. When the HUB is installed, he is ready to add his receivers.

Owen wants to do some changes to his old system setup, and makes a plan on how to group his receivers in new zones. Then he adds the receivers in the APP, one zone at a time. His older receivers need to be registered manually by entering the ID code written on each receiver. Recent receivers can be added by “automatic search”. Finally, he makes a weekly program for each zone.

When Owen has finished the setup, his girlfriend Mary wants the same setup on her phone. Mary downloads NOBØ Energy Control APP and starts the installation. Her phone discovers the Nobø HUB on the wireless network. When connected to the HUB, her phone automatically downloads all the settings, zones and receivers registered by Owen. Now they both can operate the system as they would like.