

If you arrive home earlier than expected on a cold winter day, OR travel somewhere for the weekend, OR go on holiday for two weeks, the normal weekly program can easily be changed temporarily. This is called an override.

An override interrupts the normal weekly program, replacing it with the selected status “COMFORT”, “ECO” or “AWAY” for a limited time.

Nobø Energy Control has four types of overrides: CONSTANT, NOW, FROM-TO, and TIMER.

Override: CONSTANT

A CONSTANT override lasts until you choose to stop it manually. The override is useful if the time for return to Normal status is uncertain.

Override: NOW

A NOW-override lasts until there is to be a status change in the Normal weekly program. If the override applies to more than one zone, all zones must have a status change in the weekly program before the override is terminated. The system then automatically returns to Normal status. In the case of a weekly program with no daily status changes, a NOW-override is terminated at 3AM.

Override: FROM-TO

A FROM-TO override allows you to select date and time for when the override starts and stops.

Override: TIMER

A TIMER-override lasts the number of days and hours selected. Default TIMER duration is 2 days (48 hours) unless you change it.